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In Progress

مقدمة الدرس

مقدمة: العالم الداخلي للإنسان الجديد

الموسيقى تخاطب الروح. يرجى اتباع الروابط إلى المقطوعات الموسيقية المختارة خصيصاً لتعزيز تجربة الفصل الدراسي.

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مرحبًا بكم في دورة “دع روحي تنطلق!” – تدريب الروح في الحياة اليومية، من مدرسة ألما للإنسانية. أنا حجيت رابي، .مؤسسة “ألما “- مدرسة دولية متجذرة في المعرفة العليا لقوانين الخلق

هذه المعرفة المفقودة والتي تحتاجها البشرية، حتى نتمكن من الخروج من الارتباك والفوضى والابحار في عالمنا الداخلي بنجاح خلال الفترة المضطربة التي يمر بها العالم بأسره. أشار الأنبياء إلى هذا باسم أيام الدينونة الأخيرة، التي تتميز .بانهيار ما نسميه “الماتريكس“- الجدول, ” المصفوفة” في علم الرياضيات

في دورة ألما التمهيدية، “إنسان جديد. عالم جديد”,  نطمح لشرح والتوسع في هذه المفاهيم والتعمق بها. أدعوكم لزيارة موقع المدرسة، والتسجيل في سلسلة المحاضرات المجانية هذه، والوصول إلى محتواها.

تهدف دورة “دع روحي تنطلق! – تدريب الروح في الحياة اليومية” إلى توفير شريان حياة أساسي لإرساء أساس متين للنمو الروحي الحقيقي. وهي مصممة لأولئك الذين يشعرون بأن عالمهم ينهار، سواء خارجيًا وبشكل أكثر أهمية، داخليًا، والذين يكافحون لتحقيق المعنى والأمان والطمأنينة والفرح في الحياة.

يتم تقديم الدورة ببساطة ووضوح ودقة. في البداية، نويت أن اقدمها هدية لأطفالي. (على الرغم من أنني متأكد من أن الآباء الآخرين سيرغبون في مشاركتها مع أطفالهم أيضًا لأن المعرفة الموجودة فيها تغير الحياة حقًا!).

لكن فوائد هذه الدورة تمتد إلى ما هو أبعد من الشباب وأولئك الجدد المهتمين بالتطور الروحي. إنها ذات قيمة متساوية لأولئك الذين حضروا بالفعل العديد من ورش عمل التطور الروحي أو جربوا طرق علاجية شائعة ومختلفة.

إذا كنت تنتمي إلى هذه المجموعة الأخيرة، فستجد أن هذه التعاليم تجلب وضوحًا ملحوظًا لعالمك الداخلي. علاوة على ذلك، تضع هذه الدورة الأساس لأولئك المدعوين ليصبحوا مرشدين للعالم الداخلي للإنسان الجديد الناشئ.

الأنسان الجديد، تقوده الروح من الداخل

نحن نقف على عتبة عصر جديد، عصر يدعونا إلى التحول إلى نوع جديد من البشر. بشكل أكثر دقة، نحن مضطرون لأن نصبح الشخص الذي كان من المفترض أن نكونه دائمًا وفقًا لخطة الخلق:

إنسان لا يتحكم  به العقل أو العواطف، بل تقوده الروح من الداخل.

هذه هي الرسالة الأساسية لهذه الدورة!

لكن قبل أن نشرح ما يعنيه أن يكون الإنسان مقودًا بالروح من الداخل، دعونا نوضح أولاً أن الشخص الروحاني ليس “روحانيًا”.

الشخص الروحاني ليس هيبي منفصل، بل على العكس تمامًا.

الشخص الروحاني لديه القدرة على ربط السماء والأرض، لتجسيد رؤية في الواقع، لتلقي الإلهام وتحقيقه.

بالإضافة إلى ذلك، لا يعيش الأفراد الروحانيون حقًا بتناقضات بين ما يتعلمونه أو يعلمونه وكيف يعيشون حياتهم الخاصة بالفعل. إنهم يمارسون ما يعظون به.

يجب أن تتجلى الروحانية الحقيقية في كل جانب من جوانب الحياة اليومية، حيث أن الروح هي جوهرنا الحقيقي ومن المفترض أن تكون المحرك لكل ما نفكر فيه ونقوله ونفعله.


After clarifying this point, we can now focus on uncovering the original Plan of Creation for us, why it became distorted, and what needs to be rectified.

Imagine the spirit’s journey beginning as an innocent, inexperienced prince or princess. To mature into a king or queen, they’re sent from their ivory tower to experience the material, earthly world.

The Creator equips them with two “helpers” or “advisors” to assist in this maturation process: the intellect and emotions.

On one hand, their role was to convey to the spirit the impressions and experiences of the material world, so it could evolve through them. On the other hand, the intellect and emotions were meant to implement and actualize the spirit’s will.

For the princess or prince to truly mature, they were also granted freedom of choice to determine their own path. However, then they made a wrong and fateful choice:

To eat from the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge and thereby lose their power!

Thus, instead of the spirit leading, with the intellect and emotions serving and helping it, the spirit was imprisoned and the two advisors became two jailers.

The intellect turned from an advisor and executor of the spirit’s will into a cunning lawyer.

The emotions, intended to serve as a helper and a refined bridge to the spirit’s will, transformed into a drama queen.

This tragic coup can be described in one verse from the book of Proverbs (30:22-23): “A slave who becomes king” that is, the intellect, and “a maidservant who supplants her mistress” referring to the emotions.

The surrender to these two jailers has disrupted humanity’s proper evolution, rendering the spirit weak and lazy.

For the past millennia, the intellect and emotions – the cunning lawyer in cooperation with the drama queen – have created our ego, our false self, and they alone run the show – that is, our lives.

However, while a century ago the cold, calculated intellect was the primary captor of the spirit, today it’s the indulgent emotions that pose our greatest challenge. Most people are driven by their feelings and have become completely addicted or enslaved to them!

The drama queen has not only abandoned her role as a loyal aide and subtle conduit for the prince and princess, but she has usurped their crown, proclaiming herself the sole queen!

Consequently, many confuse the spirit with emotions, mistakenly believing that their emotions define their humanity!

The comical figures of the Drama Queen and the Cunning Lawyer will be our companions throughout this course.

Why, might you ask?

Humor serves as an excellent tool to mock these two jailers – who take themselves far too seriously and have always dismissed the spirit. By doing so, we aim to help the spirit break free from its confinement.


Imagine our composition as a Matryoshka doll, with distinct yet simultaneously functioning parts. For basic understanding, we’ll break this doll into three parts (though additional layers exist, to be explored in more advanced courses):

1. The Spirit
Our true, non-material, and eternal essence.
The spirit possesses an intuitive perception whose glow requires various intermediary bodies to bridge and convey it to the physical body. In other words, the spirit must glow through the intellect and emotions.

2. The Soul
An ethereal body, the soul was originally intended as a bridge or conduit for the spirit’s intuitive perception, expressed through refined emotion (contrasting with a sensation stemming from an impulse belonging to the physical body, which we’ll address in the first lesson of this course).

The ethereal body – the soul – is composed of more refined material than the physical body, yet remains material, nonetheless.

In its distorted state, emotion has become disconnected from the glow of the spirit, developing a life of its own. As a result, it has turned earthly, dramatic, and fickle.

3. The Physical Body
The physical body has a brain akin to a hard drive and an intellect comparable to an operating system. The intellect, too, has disconnected from the spirit’s glow, developing a life of its own. Consequently, it has become materialistic, cold, and calculating.

Now that we have understood these parts, let’s revisit and clarify our fundamental problem as humanity that ate from the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. That is because the Garden of Eden story is not a historical account, but rather a code symbolizing humanity’s disconnection from the spirit’s leadership.
The moment our intuitive perception is silenced, the emotions and intellect operate independently and essentially create autonomous lives for themselves.
Emotions, thoughts, words, and actions form into habits, which in turn shape a person’s character, ultimately determining their destiny. In essence, this is how our karma is created.
When our physical body finishes its role at the time of earthly death, what remains is the ethereal body, meaning the soul, and it is the soul that actually accumulates karma.
In each incarnation, our soul returns to correct karma and purify past mistakes created by the two jailers.
However, these mistakes can never be corrected unless the spirit is liberated and the intuitive perception is restored as the primary source from which all our activity as human beings flow.


We largely don’t understand what it truly means to be human in the fullest sense, since we are disconnected from our true essence, our spirit.

Many might argue against this, claiming they possess and even develop their consciousness. However, in reality, there are three distinct types of consciousnesses prevalent today:
1. Intellectual Consciousness
2. Emotional Consciousness
3. Spiritual Consciousness

The first two were never intended to be independent consciousnesses, but rather tools in service of the spirit.
To illustrate the distinction between a consciousness and a tool, consider artificial intelligence (AI) as an analogy. AI can be a remarkable asset when used as a tool, but potentially catastrophic if it becomes autonomous. For example, the development of highly sophisticated, fully autonomous weapons using AI, operating without human oversight, represents a dangerous scenario.

Similarly, our intellect and emotions have evolved beyond their original purpose as aiding tools of the spirit, becoming independent consciousnesses. Meanwhile, our spiritual consciousness has remained largely underdeveloped.

How does this distortion manifest in the inner world of the contemporary human being who has yet to awaken to become a new human being?

Primarily, it emerges as inner conflicts on nearly every issue—a state many of us have mistakenly come to accept as normal. The intellect pulls us in one direction while emotions tug in another. Without the guiding presence of the spirit – our inner “responsible adult” – we struggle to discern the right path and make decisions we won’t later regret.

This internal discord is poised to shift in the coming era as spiritual consciousness evolves. The spirit possesses the conviction about the correct course of action. In this new paradigm, intellect and emotions will no longer interfere with decision-making but instead serve as executors of the spirit’s will. Essentially, they will be purified and restored to their original purpose: functioning as advisors, facilitators, mediators, or instruments in service of the spirit.

Secondly, when the intellect and emotions have their own consciousnesses, they essentially tether and bind us to the physical, earthly world, limiting our consciousness to the material world.

The slogan “You only live once!” is one expression of this limited material consciousness, which perceives life only in the earthly dimension of the “here and now.”

This material consciousness creates the most sophisticated matrix, because this limited consciousness is an internal prison within us, and only if we free ourselves from it can we also collapse the prison walls of the matrix in the external world!

In contrast, spiritual consciousness allows us to perceive our existence far beyond the material world, and therefore we will also come to know that life on planet Earth is just a school for the development of the spirit, and not an end in itself.


The majority of the field of psychological therapy cooperates with these two jailers of the spirit.

The rational psychologist, who coldly analyzes a person’s life – along with those using various brain reprogramming techniques – cooperates with the “intellect-jailer.”

In contrast, emotional therapists of various kinds coddle their patients, providing an accepting space while continuously unearthing, airing out and resurrecting old pains and traumas. However, despite these seemingly kind approaches, they don’t truly help a person develop. Instead, they merely serve the “drama queen.”

This kind of emotional therapy only addresses the soul, never actually touching the spirit.

For example, a person might spend twenty years on different therapists’ couches complaining about his strict, cold-hearted mother who didn’t hug him enough in childhood.

A rational therapist would perform a character analysis on the poor mother, tracing her behavior back to the great-grandmother. An emotional therapist would offer support and empathy to the “inner child,” now residing in the body of a sixty-year-old man.

But none of this will free the spirit from its imprisonment.

This person may become more conscious – intellectually and emotionally – of his life, but he will continue to be stuck in an infinite loop, thinking and feeling that “there’s no justice in the world,” and that his mother is responsible for all women being cold towards him.

Conversely, individuals who have attained spiritual awareness will never complain about their parents. They know that, according to the Laws of Creation, their incarnation into a specific family was necessary for mutual learning, atonement, karmic correction, and redemption.

Therefore, this redemption and purification of the soul body from karma – created by intellect and emotions – cannot occur through intellectual or emotional therapists, because a problem cannot be resolved with what essentially created it!

The redemption of the karma or karmic rectification can only occur through spiritual consciousness, which is acquired only when the spirit awakens, and the person begins to move towards the higher and sublime goals that the Plan of Creation has destined for us all.

Therefore, in the new world, it would be more accurate to speak of guidance rather than treatment! We are not supposed to treat people, but to guide them upward towards the Luminous Heights.

They must exert effort to make this journey, much like someone seeking a scenic viewpoint needs to walk the entire path to reach it. Otherwise, he won’t be able to enjoy the breathtaking vista.


As our spirit strengthens, we’ll be able to maintain a high frequency of power and serenity. In this state, nothing – whether external or internal – will be able to shake us or knock us off-center.

Bad weather, a partner’s unkind morning remark, or a bank notice demanding we cover our overdraft – these are external factors that can dampen our spirits if we lack spiritual fitness.

Negative thoughts or feelings of anger, fear, hatred, or jealousy – these are internal elements that can throw us off balance.

When we fail to maintain inner stability, we distance ourselves from both the possibility of fulfilling our purpose and dreams, and from the ability to overcome the difficulties and challenges we face.

To understand this better, let’s consider an example.

Take Martin Luther King Jr., for example, who had a dream: to bring freedom to African Americans in the United States. (I deliberately choose his dream as an example to inspire us all to dream dreams that will change the world for the better, rather than just selfish, materialistic dreams.)

On one hand, this dream was the reality Martin Luther King Jr. aspired to create. On the other hand, his spirit was strong and stable enough to consistently hold this dream within him, disallowing the doubts of the intellect or the despair of the emotions to influence him. And indeed, this dream came true!

Because those who align their inner frequency of their spirit with their desired reality, cannot help but realize that reality.

Many people believe the Law of Attraction between Similar Species means obsessing over a particular desire and constantly declaring and repeating it, expecting the ‘universe’ to eventually fulfill all their desires. (Which, in 99% of cases, are purely material.)
However, our desires don’t automatically translate into reality. The Law of Cause and Effect doesn’t return to us what we want, but rather who we are!

Take Martin Luther King Jr., for example. He didn’t just speak about his dream; he embodied it. His entire being was a living manifestation of the vision he championed.

Even when facing difficulties and challenges, we need a strong spirit. Take, for example, a person with cancer whose desired reality is, of course, to be healthy. In this case, the spirit needs to vibrate at a frequency more powerful than the difficulty of the disease, so that it cannot only overcome it but also learn from it, grow stronger, develop further, and ultimately bring about healing.

The aim of the 12 lessons of this course is to rediscover and strengthen our spirit, not through philosophical theory, but by practicing these lessons in daily life. We will experience, and, thereby, know. We will practice, and then understand.


Just as peak physical fitness requires exercising all muscle groups, this course will strengthen our spirit by having us practice diverse scenarios and experiences encompassing every facet of human existence.

Each lesson consists of a video, text, and audio. You’re invited to watch, read, and listen to each lesson, and then… start training in life itself.

This training doesn’t occur in sterile laboratory conditions or in some unrealistic, pastoral retreat location. It happens in real life and especially… in our own homes!

Because the people closest to us don’t hinder our spiritual development; they’re part of it and even assist it!

Therefore, you don’t need to “find special time” for practice, and there are no excuses like “I didn’t have time.” From the moment we open our eyes in the morning, we’re already practicing!


In these pivotal times, often referred to as the Days of the Final Judgment, we stand on the brink of a monumental shift. The distorted paradigm that has governed our existence for millennia—a product of misguided evolution—is about to transform, favoring the ascendancy of the spirit.

How will this change unfold?

We’re witnessing an intensification of global challenges: wars erupt, pandemics spread, natural disasters strike, cost of living soars, and crime rates surge. In the face of this escalating chaos, the two jailers have become exhausted, unable to provide satisfactory explanations to this deteriorating reality.

We can see all around us that they teeter on the edge of madness or sink into despair. Thus, a unique opportunity arises for the long-suppressed spirit within us to finally break free from its chains and begin to develop according to the Laws of Creation. Through this spiritual awakening and alignment, we have the potential to evolve into human beings in the truest sense of the word.

This phenomenon parallels what often happens to people who are seriously ill and subsequently experience a spiritual awakening. As long as a person is healthy, a weak spirit has no chance of making its voice heard, because the material consciousness of the two jailers provides the illusion of a “good life,” when, in fact, one is confined to the inner prison of the matrix.

In the new era, resistance to the Truth coming to light will also end, because those who resist the Truth are only the jailers within us. The Truth makes them uncomfortable because they fight to preserve the ego they created, the false self of the person.

For the spirit, however, the Truth is a lifeline. It allows the spirit to finally break free from the life-sentence that these jailers sought to impose upon it.


I began developing this course many years ago, primarily for myself, once I realized that emotions were the main factor pulling me off center.

In my youth, I was truly a “Drama Queen.” To counter this, I created a training program to restore the crown to the spirit within me.

Over the years, I taught this course in various places around the world. Through these experiences, and especially after my marriage to my teacher and advisor, these exercises were refined and improved.

The name of the course – LET MY SPIRIT GO! – was inspired by the verse from Exodus (9:1):

“Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Go in to Pharaoh and tell him, ‘Thus says the Lord, God of the Hebrews: Let my people go!'”

The story of the Exodus from Egypt is not merely a historical tale, but primarily a code describing the transition from slavery to freedom within a person’s inner world.

Thus, exiting Egypt symbolizes liberating the spirit from the bondage of the intellect and emotions!

In this way, we can draw a parallel between the Exodus narrative and our inner world:

1. The Israelites yearning for freedom represent the spirit longing to be liberated.

2. Pharaoh represents the ego, composed of the two jailers insisting on keeping the spirit imprisoned.

3. Moses symbolized the help from messengers, available to anyone whose spirit’s spark hasn’t been extinguished and who yearns for freedom.

4. The desert serves as the training ground for strengthening the spirit.

5. The Promised Land represents the new world, accessible only to a transformed, new human being.

Throughout all the lessons, we will draw inspiration from the story of the Exodus from Egypt.


This is exactly what we’ll do in this course. So, let’s begin!