Jesus Christ: The Real Story According to the Laws of Creation

  • Who was Jesus?
  • What is the true Teaching that Jesus brought to the world?
  • Why did Jesus incarnate specifically to the people of Israel as the Messiah?
  • Why did the Jews reject him and his Teaching?
  • Why has Christianity distorted and misrepresented the entire history of Jesus’ life and his Message?
  • How can mankind pass the Final Judgement?

The answers to these questions are crucial to know in the Days of the Final Judgment, because only the revelation of the Truth will allow a person to see and recognize the only path to his salvation and redemption.

“Jesus: The True Story According to the Laws of Creation” is not just a lecture, but a call that seeks to bring recognition of our sins towards the Messiah and to ask for forgiveness that will lead to the righting of a fateful wrong and the mitigation of the harsh judgment hovering over the inhabitants of the Holy Land.

If you understand the magnitude of the hour humanity faces, we invite you to purchase the lecture, each according to his ability, and watch as the complete Truth about Jesus Christ, his life and his mission in the Holy Land is unveiled.

About Instructor

Hagit Rabbi

55 Courses

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson