The Program for High Knowledge

The Program for High Knowledge is open for anyone who has completed the first three steps of the Alma School for Humanity curriculum, and who has a strong volition to continue to ascend to the highest level of consciousness that is possible to attain on Earth, at this time.

The root of this volition is not in the intellect, but rather, it emanates from man’s most intimate place, set deep within him, his spirit.​

This Longing is Expressed by:

  • A search for the explanation for the current state of humanity and the world at large.
  • A constant search for the answers to the big questions of existence.
  • A search for a purpose within different religions and different spiritual centers.
  • A search for the meaning of life, one’s calling and its fulfillment.
  • A search for a different type of gratification that the material world, and all the pleasures it holds cannot offer.
  • A search for the healing from depression that no medication can treat.

However, these endless searches continue because the restlessness and the unexplained, almost painful, longing to find answers, to find the truth, to finally come home, persist.

Alma School for Humanity Program for High Knowledge addresses this longing by introducing the serious student to the Book of Creation and unveiling the complete Knowledge of all that exists between the Creator and man.

The revelation of this High Knowledge coupled with the personal sheer experience and its confirmation in life itself, will ultimately lead each man to the clarity and absolute conviction. According to his own personal journey, each student will undergo a transformation that will culminate with finding his unique calling in Creation and thereby also the ultimate most sublime joy.

Then, the spark of light within him becomes a
burning bush, never to be consumed.

The following are some of the topics the program will touch upon, in accordance with the Laws of Creation:

  • The real me (the spirit) vs. the fake me (the ego)
  • Developing the intuition and the inner voice
  • The meaning behind the name of each person
  • Freedom, responsibility, and karma
  • The role of the arts in the development of the spirit
  • The roles of femininity and masculinity in Creation
  • Marriage from a spiritual perspective
  • The mystery of birth
  • The principles of parenthood and education – from childhood to adulthood
  • Death and life after death
  • The power of words and the power of thoughts
  • The power of prayer
  • The mystery of the blood
  • Healing with magnetism
  • The Creator and the creation of the world
  • What is astrology?
  • Humanity’s great spiritual teachers – truth and legend
  • Science and religion
  • The Day of Reckoning, the Purification, and the Kingdom of a Thousand Years

This course is currently available only in Hebrew:
Click here to register for the Hebrew Course

About Instructor

Hagit Rabbi

55 Courses

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