Terms and Conditions

Access to study materials in step 1-3 courses

All the course materials are digital and available to students online. 

The course materials for our first course, “A New Human Being. A New World.” are freely accessible to all students. This reflects our commitment to making essential knowledge widely available.

To sustain our mission of offering courses at significantly reduced fees — enabling students from diverse global backgrounds and economic circumstances to participate — we welcome the support of those who can contribute. If you’re in a position to do so, we invite you to purchase additional courses as a way to “pay it forward.” Your generosity helps subsidize the learning journey for those who might otherwise be unable to access these transformative teachings.

This approach allows us to maintain an inclusive learning environment while ensuring the school’s continued ability to offer high-quality, accessible education to seekers worldwide.

Course materials for Steps 2-3 will be available to registered students for six months from the date of registration. Students wishing to extend this period may purchase an extension by logging into their account and managing their courses at https://hub.almaschool.org/my-account/ 

Permitted Use:

All course materials are intended solely for educational purposes. Any commercial use or repurposing is strictly prohibited.

Personal Access:

Access to the Alma School for Humanity Online Educational Hub, Forum, user login names, and passwords is strictly personal. These credentials must not be shared with or transferred to any other individual. Only the registered student granted access may use these resources.

Intellectual Property Rights

1. Ownership:

 Alma School for Humanity is wholly owned by Alma Inspira Ltd. For the purposes of this document, both entities shall be collectively referred to as “Alma School.”

2. Trademarks:

The brand names, logos, courses, school programs, and the associated logos of Alma School are registered trademarks of Alma Inspira Ltd. Their use is strictly limited to official Alma School activities and requires explicit written consent from Alma School management.

3. Copyright:

 All intellectual property rights in any and all school courses, programs, initiatives, event materials, and related content are the exclusive property of Alma School or its licensors. Unauthorized distribution and/or sharing of course materials without explicit written approval from Alma School for Humanity and/or its associated entities, and/or without appropriate payment, constitutes a direct violation of the ‘Thou shalt not steal’ commandment. Furthermore, such actions infringe upon applicable copyright laws and regulations

4. Prohibited Actions:

 It is strictly prohibited to disseminate, publish, reproduce, or facilitate access to any Alma School materials through any media or medium without the express written consent of Alma School management.

5. Enforcement:

 Alma School reserves the right to take appropriate legal action to protect its intellectual property rights against any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution.

6. Licensing:

 Any use of Alma School’s intellectual property by third parties must be governed by a separate licensing agreement, explicitly authorized in writing by Alma School management.

7. Modifications:

 Alma School reserves the right to modify, update, or amend these intellectual property terms at any time without prior notice.

By enrolling in our course, and/or engaging with Alma School’s content or services, you acknowledge and agree to abide by these terms. Violation may result in immediate termination of access and potential legal action.

Costs and Payments

The Alma School for Humanity’s economic model aligns with three principles derived from the Laws of Creation:

1. Only by giving can you receive: This Law of Creation asserts that true appreciation and absorption of Knowledge come through the act of giving.

2. Without sustenance, there can be no spiritual growth: A robust financial foundation is essential for any organization, including spiritual ones, to provide quality service consistently and fulfill its mission.

3. “The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” (Psalms 145:18): Every individual has an inherent right to the Truth, regardless of their financial circumstances.

To balance these principles, we’ve implemented a flexible payment structure for our courses. Each person has the opportunity to contribute according to their genuine ability and integrity.

For a comprehensive overview of Alma’s financial model, please refer to our detailed article: Money and Spirituality according to the Laws of Creation.

Differential Course Pricing

We offer three pricing tiers for all Step 1-3 courses, accommodating various financial situations:

1. Subsidized Rate: For those genuinely unable to afford the standard fee.

2. Standard Rate: Applicable in most cases.

3. Blessed Rate: For those financially able to contribute at a higher rate, supporting the school’s mission.

Students can gift a course or lecture by purchasing a gift card, which will be emailed directly to the recipient. To purchase a gift card, please follow the Gift link.

Our “Pay It Forward” program allows students to support the school by purchasing additional courses at a set rate, enabling us to continue offering subsidized rates to others. To support the school, please follow the Support link.

Course tuition can be paid through various online payment options. Please note that rates may change over time.

Alma School for Humanity reserves the right to adjust rates or offer special subsidized rates for individuals or groups as deemed appropriate.

By embracing this model, we strive to make our teachings accessible while ensuring the school’s sustainability and honoring the principle of reciprocity in learning.